New year, new blog! For some time I’ve been contemplating about blogging again and thought why not make it a New Year’s resolution. And because the first month of 2022 is already almost over, here it is.

This site was not only born because I plan to write about the things that interest me, but also because I had some fun playing around with HTML, new (for me) CSS features and writing a static site generator in the programming language of my choice: Rust. For creating websites, I normally would rely on Hugo due to its features, but these very features make it more complex than necessary for my use case. Also, I am not very fond of its templating language and detest Go’s way of formatting dates.1 In addition, I realized that there were some things I wanted to customize more than it was possible. For example, altering the Markdown processing of headings, block quotes and code blocks. So, the obvious but certainly not most sensible choice is to DIY. It gave me an excuse to make extensive use of Cow<str>2 allowing me to indulge in premature optimization and to try out tree-sitter for syntax highlighting.3

While playing around with a few ideas and designs, I realized that I wanted footnotes or rather sidenotes as you can see. These still need some more testing with regard to the robustness of the used JavaScript. Hopefully I can publish a blog post in the future about how I implemented these, as all previous solutions on the internet didn’t quite fit my taste.

That’s it for now. In the meantime, check out the Photos section.