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And now, the most recent articles:

Currently, I am working on a small project wherein I want to try out PocketBase as a backend for comments. Not only should it accept comments by a simple HTML form but I also want to be able to quickly moderate them. The nice admin UI, provided by PocketBase out of the box, combined with the simple setup is what drew me to it in the first place. However, for the moderation process I aim for even less friction while not having to implement a dedicated frontend.

With yesterday’s release of PipeWire 1.0, I’d like to give some praise to a PipeWire module I discovered a few weeks ago. I have been looking for a solution to stream audio from my computer to my smartphone. As an iPhone user my options are quite limited. On macOS I tested Rogue Amoeba’s Airfoil which is used in conjunction with Airfoil Satellite on the iPhone and probably uses RAOP/AirPlay under the hood. This works and is easily configured from the Mac as well the iPhone. However latency is a problem and not consistent such that manual adjustments have to made every time. And most importantly this is not an option for Linux systems.

Footnotes are commonly found in books, where they can appear at the end of every page. In scientific works, their main application is referencing related papers. But they are also used for complementary information or explaining minor aspects in depth. The concept of footnotes is present in content markup languages as well. The comprehensive re­Struc­tured­Text supports them by default while most parsers for Mark­down, which I am using here, provide them on an opt-in basis. Though for non-paginated content as most webpages are, digital footnotes are worse than their paper siblings.